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Radio-Electronics was an American electronics magazine that was published under various titles from to Hugo Gernsback, sometimes called The Father of Science Fiction, started it as Radio-Craft in July The title was changed to Radio-Electronics in October and again to Electronics Now in July In January it was merged with Gernsback's Popular Electronics to become Poptronics.
Gernsback Publications ceased operations in December and the January issue was th Total ViewsOlder Stats. Total Items Older Stats.
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Magazines, Electronics. 0 Download. Practical Electronics - July (Vol No.7) Magazines, Electronics. 0 Download. Practical Wireless - July (Vol No.7) Magazines, Electronics. 0 Download. CQ Amateur Radio - June Radio-Electronics was an American electronics magazine that was published under various titles from to Hugo Gernsback, sometimes called The Father of Science Fiction, started it as Radio-Craft in July The title was changed to Radio-Electronics in October and again to 8/06/ · Here you will find the latest New Electronics digital magazines available to download as interactive issues or PDF files. If you would prefer to receive the magazine as a hard copy please register here. 24 Aug ( MB)
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